11 setembro 2005

Harry Potter Ipod

Não sou fã do Harry Potter. Se calhar porque nunca li nenhum livro, se calhar porque é mau. Não faço ideia qual das duas. Não estou interessado em saber.

Mas as pessoas que mandam as newsletters de publicidade do itunes devem pensar que poderei ser um potencial fã. Mas... um ipod com mais de 99 horas de Harry Potter? As pessoas que compram isto...andam de um lado para o outro a ouvir os livros? Ai!...que tortura...
Qualquer dia fazem ipods com a lista telefónica ou o dicionário...

Harry Potter fans, rejoice! You can now listen to all six books in J.K. Rowling's magical series with The Complete Harry Potter, an exclusive box set available only on iTunes. And for a limited time, get the box set along with a 20GB Collector's iPod from the online Apple Store (see details below).
Narrated by Jim Dale, The Complete Harry Potter contains more than 99 hours of unabridged audio, as well as a clip of J.K. Rowling reading at Scotland's Edinburgh Castle from the latest book in the series, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and another exclusive author reading from book five, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. The box set also includes a digital booklet with summaries of each of the six books, author and narrator biographies, and more!

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