Laika è uno dei nomi con cui è nota la cagnetta che il 3 novembre 1957 lasciò la Terra a bordo della capsula spaziale sovietica Sputnik 2 diventando il primo essere vivente terrestre ad entrare in orbita.
Il suo vero nome era Kudryavka mentre viene spesso chiamata anche Muttnik (da mutt che in inglese significa bastardino e dal nome della capsula Sputnik).
Alexander, our older brother,
set out for a great adventure.
He tore our images out of his pictures,
he scratched our names out of all his letters.
Our mother shoulda just named you Laika!
Come on Alex, you can do it.
Come on Alex, there's nothin' to it.
If you want somethin' don't ask for nothin,
if you want nothin' don't ask for somethin'!
Our mother shoulda just named you Laika!
It's for your own good,
it's for the neighborhood!
Our older brother bit by a Vampire!
For a year we caught his tears in a cup.
And now we're gonna make him drink it.
Come on Alex don't die or dry up!
Our mother shoulda just named you Laika!
It's for your own good,
it's for the neighborhood!
When daddy comes home you always start a fight,
so the neighbors can dance in the police disco lights.
The police disco lights.
Now the neighbors can dance!
Look at 'em dance.
a 1ª parte do post está em italiano porque fica cool.
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